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The Pipeline Package

This package offers virtual (Zoom), live-facilitated servant leadership training at 3 levels, specific to the Chick-fil-A context (The Training Package). In addition, it provides resources and training to build your leadership pipeline from the interview through every level of leadership. This package will create the structure and environment for your leadership development to be most effective.

Leadership Pipeline TRAINING COURSES
(Offered Monthly):


Access to Leadership Pipeline Resources:

The Interview

Identifying Potential Talent
Hiring Process 1-Pager – Get everyone on the same page
Interview Questions 1-Pager – Find the qualities you’re looking for
Interview 1-Pager – Cast leadership vision to potential talent
The Performance Review
Assessing Talent
PR Process 1-Pager – Get everyone on the same page
Performance Review Template – Keep it simple, help people win
A Culture of Feedback 1-Pager – It’s more than the annual review

Defining the Win

Setting Talent up for Success
Remarkable TM 1-Pager – Define the qualifications for promotion
Promotion Checklist – Sloppy promotions don’t set up for success
Role Description Templates – Create role clarity
Effective Meetings 
Maximizing Talent
HPLT Scoreboard – Let the team know if they’re winning
Meeting Template – Avoid ineffective meetings
1-on-1 Coaching Template – Develop others with intentionality
Each month you will receive an email with reminders as to when the next course offerings will start - both Training and Pipeline courses - along with an enrollment link. All courses will be held on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, during hours convenient to the Chick-fil-A business.

(1 year commitment)

$695/mo (10 leaders)

Add $150/mo for every additional 5 leaders

Prices are based on the number of leaders you’ll want to put through the Training Package cohorts during the course of a year. You can choose which road map you’d like each leader to complete. For the Pipeline training courses, there is no limit on participation.

We equip leaders with the framework and tools to engage, motivate and develop remarkable team members.


Kansas City, MO



(706) 599-5570

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