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The Training Package

This package offers virtual (Zoom), live-facilitated servant leadership training at 3 levels, specific to the Chick-fil-A context. This is done in leadership cohorts of 8-12 leaders. We use content from leadership experts such as Mark Miller, Ken Blanchard, Patrick Lencioni and John Maxwell.



The Servant Leadership Road Map

  • 6-week course, 45 min sessions

  • Offered bi-monthly



The Manager’s Road Map

  • 10-week course, 1 hr sessions

  • Offered monthly



The Director’s Road Map

  • 12 sessions over 6 months, 1 hr sessions

  • Offered quarterly

You can choose how many leaders you’d like to send through the training during the course of a year. Each month you will receive an email with reminders as to when the next course offerings will start, along with an enrollment link. All courses will be held on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, during hours convenient to the Chick-fil-A business.


Chick-fil-A Leadership Core Competency Grid

In addition to helping leaders shape their leadership point of view and gain relevant skills, our goal is to develop and build on the following leadership core competencies at every level of leadership:




Entry-Level Leadership
Mid-Level Leadership
Director-Level Leadership
Basic Professionalism
Situational Awareness
Humility & Ownership
Traditional Work Ethic
Attention to Detail
Proactive vs Reactive
TM Engagement
Create Culture
Guest Focus
Define the Win
Team Leadership
Team Work
Leading & Developing Others – help TMs Win
Problem Solving & Strategic Thinking
Effective Feedback & Accountability
Decisiveness – making good decisions for the business
Influence Results
Reinvent, Be Flexible, Lead Change, Accept Risk & Learn from Failure
Difficult Conversations & Conflict Resolution
Interviews & Talent Selection
Planning & Priorities
Performance Evaluation, Developing Leaders & Delegation
LIstening & Communication Skills
Effective Meeting Facilitation
Capacity for Stress & Pressure
Self-Awareness & Personal Development

(1 year commitment)

$300/mo (10 leaders)

Add $150/mo for every additional 5 leaders

Prices are based on the number of leaders you’ll want to receive the training during the course of a year. You can choose which road map you’d like each leader to complete. For your first year, we recommend that your current managers and directors start with the Entry-Level Servant Leadership road map. In this case, you might choose a higher number of leaders for your first year, and then downgrade your plan as you sustain your leadership development moving forward.


For the young people you employ, Chick-fil-A doesn’t have to just be their high school or college fast-food job. If they dedicate themselves to your success, they’ll realize you’re dedicated to theirs. In turn, and they'll have the opportunity to gain character, knowledge and skills that will serve them well as they move forward in life and their chosen vocation. For those who choose to make Chick-fil-A a career, they’ll be equipped to lead at a higher level.

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